
Center 4 Play Therapy

Showing Understanding

Showing understanding: (a.k.a. empathy) is an important skill parents can use with their children. Showing understanding is a way of responding to things they tell you. Most people are very used to saying “I understand you” but that does little or nothing to help. Think about the following example:  Ester just broke her leg and her friend, Miriam says “I know how you feel or I understand how you feel.” Ester may doubt if Miriam really understands how she feels.  If, however Miriam responds “you are feeling very worried and upset,” Ester would know that Miriam understands and it may make Ester feel a little better. Showing understanding communicates that you understand your child and what feelings are behind the messages they give you

Why? When parents show understanding/empathy it…

·         Provides children with the support they need to develop strong self-regulation skills

·         Teaches your child to understand his/her own feelings and learn to cope with them

·         Increases self-confidence by increasing his ability to solve his own problems

·         Helps build TRUST and COFIDENCE in YOU. Your child is more likely to communicate openly to you if he/she feels they can trust you.

·         Helps promote warm and loving relationship

·         Accepting your child’s feeling is very powerful and it can often help your child see things more clearly, and therefore solve problems themselves.